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Development of Machinery Industry

Development history of general machinery industry
Korea was once manufacturing machinery worth 21.4 billion won and exporting machinery worth $8 million in the 1970s. But, the general machinery industry is positioned 9th in the world for exports through active quality innovation and improvement of competitiveness today.
History of General Machinery Industry
일반기계산업의 발전역사
Year Main Content
  • Establishment of institutional framework for machinery industry growth
  • Legislation of machinery promotion law (63.2~86.3)
  • Fundamental development for machinery domestic production.
  • Groundwork for independent industry, improving domestic production
  • legislation of manufacturing industry promotion law (86.1), and total production 120 billion Won to 950 billion Won.
  • General machinery Import dependence (`70) 83.5 ~ (`90) 44.3%
  • Export industrialization, preparing for turnaround to overcome IMF jeopardy.
  • Due to bankruptcy from 97 to 98, number of cooperation and employees related was reduced to the least
  • ※ Number of Trades (276,000 in 1996 – 210,000 in 1998/ decreased by 16,000)
  • ※ Relative proportion of Export(Export/Import %): 13.7% in 1990/ 18.0% in 1995/ 30.9% in 1999
'00s '00s~'08s
  • Korea is placed in top 10 countries for exportation of general machinery
  • In 2007, it was recorded as first year of export surplus
  • In 2008, export reached over 30 billion dollars.
  • International general machinery export ranking: 19th in 1990/ 15th in 2000/ 10th in 2006/ 9th in 2008
  • A trade deficit and an export decrease were occurred since 2009
Transition in Major Items of General Machinery Industry
일반기계산업의 발전 지표 게시판
unit person 1 billion won 1 million dollar
number of companies number of trades amount of production domestic demand export import income and expenditure
1970 1,032 26,309 21 114 8 306 -297
1980 1,730 81,108 901 1,953 325 2,056 -1,731
1990 6,560 199,004 10,385 16,110 2,003 10,090 -8,087
2000 6,238 209,127 32,849 8,430 12,287 -3,857
2001 6,285 203,964 32,886 8,385 9,668 -1,283
2002 6,718 214,698 36,932 9,256 10,951 -1,695
2003 7,125 222,525 42,049 11,767 13,213 -1,446
2004 7,464 231,714 51,661 16,839 16,202 637
2005 8,019 245,386 56,162 22,164 17,804 4,360
2006 8,293 252,157 61,435 23,865 20,265 3,600
2007 8,513 260,875 67,899 30,764 23,906 6,858
2008 8,018 261,519 79,024 37,298 25,984 11,314
2009 7,852 253,546 72,709 26,850 24,095 2,755
2010 8,598 282,127 92,282 36,103 28,591 7,512
2011 8,719 295,216 101,906 45,817 31,667 14,150
2012 8,952 304,451 102,103 47,914 31,951 15,963
2013 9,181 313,603 99,552 46,415 34,715 11,700
2014 9,521 319,008 102,378 48,345 33,699 14,646
'14/'70(ratio) 9 12 4,875 6,043 110 -
  • Source : KNSO, [Report on Mining and Manufacturing Survey], KITA, [Trade tatistics]
  • annotation : 1) E stands for estimated figure
  • 2) Number of companies, number of workers and the volume of manufacture are based on workplaces having more than five employees
  • 3) A standard of Transition in Major Items of General Machinery Industry after 2000 : Number of companies, number of workers and the volume of manufacture are based on workplace having more than then employees